How To Confidently Charge A 5-Figure Speaking Fee

If you're not commanding at least $10,000 for your speaking engagements, the issue likely lies in your positioning. This isn't about your ability or expertise but how potential clients perceive your value. 

The reality is, without the right positioning, you're leaving money on the table and missing out on opportunities to attract the kind of clients that would elevate your speaking career to new heights.

Let me lay it out straight for you. Positioning is your golden ticket in this game. It's what slices through the noise, makes you stand out in a packed room, and tags you as the expert they can't afford to miss. 

Why? Because in the sea of speakers, corporations are on the hunt for the one who speaks their language, who gets the grit and grind of their daily battles, and brings the kind of insights that can move mountains.

Consider the myth that "organizations don't have the budget." 

Most of the time if they don’t have the budget, they can find it for the right person. 

The speaker who can bring the thunder, who promises—and delivers—transformative impacts.

So, how do you ensure you're seen as that thunder-bringing, game-changing speaker? Here’s a tip to crank your positioning over the next 30 days. 

Articulate the tangible outcomes. 

I’m not talking about fluff or feel-good moments—the real results.  Ask yourself this question:

What does bringing you in as a speaker do for them?

Does it help their sales team to close deals faster?
Does it transform their teams into unbreakable units? 

Here’s how you get this message across:

  • Audit Your Impact: Dive deep into the aftermath of your prior engagements. Increased sales, boosted morale, spiked innovation levels—whatever magic you bring, put it in your LinkedIn profile.

  • Quantify Like a Boss: Got numbers? Flaunt them. A 25% uptick in team efficiency post-your talk is not just a number; it's your spearhead into higher fees.

  • Spin the Narrative: Don’t just say, "I train on leadership." Say, "After my leadership workshops, teams surpassed their quarterly goals by up to 30%." Wrap your outcomes in stories that stick.

  • Showcase Success: Load your LinkedIn profile and content with testimonials, case studies, and real-deal feedback.

  • Broadcast Your Wins: Make sure the tangible value you deliver is echoed on every channel where you’re present—your website, LinkedIn profile, YouTube channel. 

It goes without saying, this isn’t just about nudging your fees a notch. It’s about getting you seen as a strategic ally, a catalyst for change, vs “just another speaker”. 

This shift in how you position yourself as a speaker or workshop facilitator can make all the difference between a $3500 engagement and one where you command $10K++

Remember, the goal is to be seen as a speaker and an indispensable strategic partner. 

When you achieve this level of positioning, not only will you start commanding higher fees, but those who value what you bring to the table will be much more likely to seek you out.

This approach requires moving beyond the conventional wisdom of "just do it for free to get your name out there" to a more strategic method of showcasing your unique value. 

It's about communicating to make your target audience sit up and take notice, recognizing that you are precisely what they've been looking for.

Because you are


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